Motion Design Projects

Adobe After Effects / Adobe Premiere Pro / Adobe Illustrator

The Martian Animatic

This was a 30 second title sequence for the 2015 film, The Martian, staring Matt Damon. Taking a class in motion design, my first assignment was to create this animation.

Hobby Link Japan Logo

This was an animated logo for the website Hobby Link Japan. It is an international website that hosts all different types small hobbies and supplies the parts.

Giant Sequoia Video

This was an educational video made about the Giant Sequoia trees in California. This was a group project were my teammate and I each handled the video 50/50.

Hobby Link Japan

This was the initial storyboard for the Hobby Link Japan animation. With it being a short and simple animation, I was given the opportunity to make a much cleaner animation.

I explored more of the capabilites of After Effects and was able to expand my knowledge.

It wasn’t necessary for this project, so I didn’t include any sound effects. For later projects, I made sure to have a greater focus on audio design alongside clean animation.

The Martian Animatic

Giant Sequoia Video


Chicken Stock ReDesign


Mr. Mantis